Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (FGG) is a public higher education institute and member of University of Ljubljana (UL).

The University of Ljubljana (UL) consists of 3 academies and 23 faculties that offer more than 300 different bachelor and master study programmes to more than 40,000 students, which places it among the largest universities in Europe. With their research and scientific projects the researchers of the University of Ljubljana keep pace with the latest developments in the areas of arts, sciences and technology at home and abroad. Currently, the University ranks among 500 best universities in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU – “Shanghai Ranking”) and top 4% of European universities.

FGG is one of only two faculties providing civil engineering knowledge and the only faculty for geodetic engineering and water science and environmental engineering in Slovenia. Thus, all three main areas of study programmes (Civil Engineering, Geodetic Engineering and Water Science and Environmental Engineering) affect importantly and directly the personnel structure in the economy, as well asin the state administration and local communities.

FGG is divided in eight scientific areas: geodesy, municipal economics and spatial planning, materials and structures, construction management, traffic and traffic constructions, hydraulic engineering, construction IT and basic subjects. The work is carried out in 21 educational-research units, 2 laboratories and 3 institutes.

More information: https://www.en.fgg.uni-lj.si/

Involved in CROSScade project are the following members of the UL FGG – Chair of Fluid Mechanics with Laboratory (https://www.en.fgg.uni-lj.si/departments-and-chairs/chair-of-fluid-mechanics-with-laboratory/):

prof. dr. Matjaž Četina (Head of the Chair), matjaz.cetina@fgg.uni-lj.si

assist. prof. dr. Gašper Rak, gasper.rak@fgg.uni-lj.si

assist. prof. dr. Gorazd Novak, gorazd.novak@fgg.uni-lj.si